"YOU BAN BOOKS, YOU BAN DRAG, KIDS ARE STILL IN BODY BAGS!" These are the powerful chants from the people inside the Tennessee Capitol. Meanwhile, 3 lawmakers that joined in the peaceful protests for gun laws are being removed from committees and potentially expelled from their duly elected seats by the state GOP. As I'm typing this, the votes have finished and the 2 black lawmakers have been expelled, while the lone white woman was spared. The state of Tennessee has spoken loud and clear about where there priorities are when it comes to speaking out against gun violence, and in doing so may have inadvertently given the Democratic party 2 new superstars. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson definitely aren't going anywhere any time soon. Also this week, Mike Pence won't fight subpoena for testimony in Jan 6 case, MTG gets shouted out of her own pretest in New York, and more revelations about just how compromised the integrity of Clarence Thomas may be.


Puddin’ Finger Pivot


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